88 Active Patents in 35 Countries

aibuy has 88 active patents in 35 countries that give us the exclusive rights to “in-content” interactive shopping and checkout without re-directs on live stream, VOD or static imagery contained in publications, blogs on all platforms.

These patents encompass over 1000 claims, which grant aibuy exclusive rights to innovative “in-content” e-commerce shopping experiences, specifically designed to eliminate the need for redirects. They are applicable to a wide range of usages and media formats, including interactive, live stream, and VOD content used in websites, blogs, smartphones, and other platforms.

The core innovations covered by aibuy's patents include

Shoppable Video

Enables advertising and sales directly within videos, offering viewers a unified shopping experience that includes product overlay browsing, and integrated purchase options within the video content itself.


Hotspots within shoppable videos, allowing for interactive user interfaces and cataloging of individual items featured in the videos.

Dynamic Video Containers

Utilize dynamic, self-configuring containers that automatically adapt to provide shoppable video capabilities, enhancing the user experience.

Auto Product Linking & Analytics

Automates the process of associating products with shoppable videos and provides robust analytics to better understand user behavior and preferences.

Group Online Shopping

Group distributed online shopping and distributed shopping carts, facilitating collaborative shopping experiences.

Video Collaboration

Leverage interactive video for purposes such as conducting interviews and providing online support services, enhancing engagement and communication.

Product Exchanges

aibuy’s patents cover use within an online dynamic shopping exchange for video and related products, offering users flexibility in their shopping choices.

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