The Future of CTV Advertising

As CTV evolves, shoppable ads offer unique opportunities for advertisers and retailers.

81% of CTV users

are influenced by TV ads in their shopping decisions (MarTech Cube, 2024)

62% of CTV users

are likely to scan these codes if exposed, enhancing the potential for shoppable TV ads (LG Ad Solutions, 2024)

$43.59 billion

is the projected CTV ad spending in the US by 2026, highlighting the rapid growth and potential of this advertising channel (Porch Group Media, 2024).

Leverage Consumer Preferences and Retail Trends

Tapping into retail trends with aibuy can significantly boost conversion metrics.

+23% conversion growth

is achieved with aibuy, as it eliminates redirections and extra pop-ups

X2 your order value

with aibuy, as it enables organic upsell and cross-sell opportunities

+15% CTR

is achieved with aibuy, thanks to its ability to drive high user engagement