Demand a higher CPM for premium ad opportunities by offering instant shoppability through QR codes linked to our Multicart shopping experience.

How It Works?

Use our Multicart solution to:

  1. Add the advertised items to your offer
  2. Customize the offer by adding your logo and embedding an extended video ad
  3. Place the auto-generated QR code into your CTV ad creative

Viewers will see our interactive overlay and can dive in to explore product details. Upon scanning the QR code, they will be instantly redirected to the shopping cart with the product for an end-to-end purchasing experience. Viewers can also subscribe to shopping alerts for more.

Our Range of CTV Solutions, Tailored to Meet Your Needs

Gain valuable insights with our comprehensive campaign analytics. Access detailed data on viewer interactions with the overlay, understand conversion metrics from viewers to buyers, and analyze the end-to-end purchasing funnel.

Let's talk